The “Specimens of Abstraction” installation was shown at the Foothills Art Center in Golden, Colo., from May 20 to June 26, 2022.
This panorama view shows the framed macro-photo enlargements of Robert Hyatt’s colorful polyresin castings. More than 100 of the original castings are displayed in the three trays at center, and the TV above them displays additional images in a slide show.
Specimens of Abstraction
Hyatt’s exploration of geometric and impressionistic abstract art and the interplay of color began in the 1980s as he perfected techniques in casting and fabricating polyresins. More than 100 of those compositions are arrayed here in three wooden trays. Each “specimen” is a slice cut from an original polyresin casting.
The rows of numbered specimens resemble the displays of fossils or minerals common in college science buildings or natural-history museums. A light beneath the center tray turns on and off to show how the direction of light transforms the translucent and opaque color within each specimen.
Years ago, Hyatt used slices from the various polyresin castings to create sculptures and jewelry. More recently, he has worked with a photographer to showcase the specimens on a grander scale. Each polyresin specimen was illuminated from above and below, then photographed with a macro lens to show translucent and opaque color simultaneously. The edited macro images were enlarged into prints, as seen on the wall behind the specimen trays.
The abstract compositions that Hyatt created by hand four decades ago without any computer technology have been transformed using digital processes.
*click on each image below for a detailed view
Specimens of Abstraction
Materials: Polyresin castings, wooden trays, cardboard jewelry boxes, digital photographs (matted and framed), LED lights, widescreen TV
Dimensions: 8 feet x 15 feet x 1.5 feet
Center display tray
Description: The center tray has 36 specimens of multicolored polyresin castings. (Trays to the left and right also have 36 examples each.) Boxes in the center tray contain LED lights below each specimen; the lights transform the interplay of translucent and opaque color within each specimen.
Dimensions: 14.5 inches x 33 inches x 4 inches
Specimen boxes
Description: The specimens vary in size, and each has a unique abstract composition and color palette.
Dimensions: 3.6 inches x 3.6 inches x 1 inch (each)
Specimen Box
Description: The window on each jewelry box is cut to fit the dimensions of the specimen inside.
Dimensions: 3.6 inches x 3.6 inches x 1 inch